Computer Vision

The ability to extract valuable insights from visual data is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses across various industries. Lucrum ERP's Computer Vision solution empowers you to harness the power of this technology and unlock a new dimension of data analysis. This innovative solution empowers businesses across various industries to streamline operations, improve quality control, and gain a deeper understanding of their physical environment.

Image Classification

Lucrum ERP's Computer Vision module offers a robust Image Classification functionality, empowering you to automatically categorize images based on their content.

Technical Features

  • Highly Accurate Classification: Leverage advanced deep learning models trained on massive datasets to achieve exceptional accuracy in categorizing diverse image types.
  • Customizable Categories: Define and train the system to recognize specific categories relevant to your business needs.
  • Deep Learning-based Models: Utilize powerful deep learning architectures for accurate image classification.
  • Transfer Learning: Leverage pre-trained models on large public datasets and fine-tune them for your specific image categories, reducing training time and resources.
  • Feature Extraction & Selection: Extract relevant features from images that best represent their content for accurate classification.

Object Detection & Recognition

Lucrum ERP's Computer Vision module empowers you with Object Detection & Recognition, a powerful functionality that allows you to automatically identify and pinpoint the location of specific objects within images and videos.

Technical Features

  • Automate tedious tasks: Replace manual object identification in tasks like inventory management, quality control, or security monitoring, saving time and resources.
  • Improve accuracy and efficiency: Reduce human error and increase efficiency in tasks involving object identification and localization.
  • Deep Learning-based object detection algorithms: Leverage advanced algorithms to achieve high accuracy in object detection.
  • Customizable object classes: Train the system to recognize specific objects relevant to your business needs, such as products, vehicles, or people.
  • Bounding box annotation: Generate precise bounding boxes around detected objects, providing accurate location data for further analysis.

Facial Recognition

This technology offers a robust Facial Recognition functionality, enabling you to identify and recognize individuals from images or video footage.

Technical Features

  • Deep Learning Algorithms: Leverage advanced deep learning algorithms trained on massive datasets of facial images for accurate recognition.
  • Liveness Detection: Differentiate between real faces and photos or videos, preventing spoofing attempts.
  • Facial Landmark Detection: Identify key facial features like eyes, nose, and mouth for accurate identification even under challenging conditions (e.g., variations in lighting, pose, or facial expressions).
  • Watchlist Matching: Compare identified individuals against watchlists for security purposes, such as identifying unauthorized personnel or known security risks.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality of our Computer Vision solution empowers you to extract text from images and documents with exceptional accuracy.

Technical Features

  • High Accuracy: Accurately recognize diverse text formats, including printed, handwritten, and different languages.
  • Batch Processing: Process large volumes of documents efficiently, saving time and resources.
  • Deep Learning-based OCR Engines: Leverage advanced deep learning algorithms for high recognition accuracy, even in challenging conditions like low-quality images or complex layouts.
  • Customizable Character Recognition: Train the OCR engine to recognize specific fonts, symbols, or industry-specific terminology for optimal accuracy.
  • Language Support: Recognize text in multiple languages, catering to your global business needs.
  • Integration with Other Modules: Seamlessly integrate with other Lucrum ERP modules for automated workflows (e.g., automatic data entry into inventory management system from scanned invoices).

Image Segmentation

Image Segmentation is a core functionality of the Computer Vision solution, allowing you to break down an image into distinct segments based on specific features.

Technical Features

  • Focus on specific regions of interest: Analyze individual objects, identify specific elements within a scene, or isolate regions with potential anomalies.
  • Extract detailed information: Extract features like color, texture, and shape from each segment for further analysis and decision-making.
  • Automate complex tasks: Automate tasks like object classification, counting, and measurement based on the segmented regions.
  • Machine Learning Techniques: Leverage supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms like Deep Learning for accurate and efficient image segmentation.
  • Region-based Segmentation: Group pixels with similar characteristics (e.g., color, texture) into distinct regions.
  • Edge-based Segmentation: Identify and follow the edges of objects within the image to separate them.
  • Thresholding: Segment the image based on pixel intensity levels, separating foreground from background.

Anomaly Detection

This module equips you with advanced Anomaly Detection capabilities, enabling you to identify unusual patterns and deviations from expected behaviors in images and videos.

Technical Features

  • Proactively address security concerns: Detect anomalies in video footage, like unauthorized access attempts or suspicious activity, enhancing security measures.
  • Prevent equipment failures: Identify potential equipment malfunctions based on visual cues, allowing for predictive maintenance and minimizing downtime.
  • Improve quality control: Detect product defects in real-time, ensuring product quality and reducing waste.
  • Machine Learning-based Algorithms: Leverage advanced algorithms and autoencoders to learn "normal" behavior and identify deviations.
  • Background Modeling: Establish a baseline of "normal" activity and flag deviations for further investigation.

Action Recognition

LosingLucrum ERP's Computer Vision module goes beyond static image analysis, offering advanced Action Recognition capabilities. This functionality empowers you to automatically recognize and classify specific actions occurring within video footage.

Technical Features

  • Gain insights into customer behavior: Analyze customer interactions in retail stores or public spaces, understand movement patterns, and optimize product placement and layout.
  • Improve traffic flow analysis: Analyze traffic patterns in transportation hubs or on roads, identify bottlenecks, and optimize traffic management strategies.
  • Enhance security monitoring: Identify suspicious activities in video surveillance footage, improve reaction times, and deter potential threats.
  • Automate task execution: Trigger specific actions based on recognized actions, such as sending alerts, initiating workflows, or controlling equipment.
  • Feature Extraction & Classification: Extract key features from video frames and classify them based on pre-defined action categories.
  • Temporal Analysis: Analyze sequences of frames to capture the dynamic nature of actions and distinguish between similar activities.
  • Customizable Action Models: Train custom models to recognize specific actions relevant to your business needs.

Image Quality Control

This particular module offers a robust Image Quality Control functionality, allowing you to automatically assess the quality of images used in various processes.

Technical Features

  • Standardize Quality Checks: Define and apply consistent quality criteria for images used in production, inspection, or other workflows.
  • Reduce Manual Effort: Automate image quality assessments, freeing up your team to focus on other tasks.
  • Improve Accuracy and Consistency: Eliminate human error from visual inspections, leading to more reliable quality control.
  • Predefined Quality Parameters: Set specific criteria for assessing image quality, such as resolution, brightness, contrast, or noise levels.

Visual Search

Lucrum ERP's Computer Vision module empowers you with Visual Search, a powerful tool that allows you to search for similar images or objects within a vast database.

Technical Features

  • Effortless Searching: Eliminate the need for precise keyword descriptions. Simply upload an image or point your camera at an object to find similar items in your database.
  • Increased Accuracy: Leverage advanced image recognition algorithms to find relevant results with high accuracy, even for visually similar objects.
  • Improved Efficiency: Save time and effort compared to traditional text-based searches, especially when dealing with complex or unfamiliar objects.
  • Deep Learning-based Image Embedding: Extract unique numerical representations of images, enabling efficient comparison and retrieval of similar items.
  • Similarity Search Algorithms: Utilize efficient algorithms to quickly identify images with the highest degree of similarity to the query image.