RFID – Track & Trace

Lucrum ERP offers an RFID-based Track & Trace solution designed to enhance the visibility and control of your assets and inventory throughout your supply chain. This technology utilizes Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, which emit radio waves containing unique identification data. These tags can be attached to individual items or packaging, allowing them to be tracked wirelessly at various points in their journey. Lucrum ERP's solution integrates seamlessly with your existing ERP system, providing real-time insights into the location and status of your assets, improving operational efficiency, and minimizing potential losses.

Tag Management

Sub-module responsible for managing the lifecycle of RFID tags, including registration, assignment, and deactivation.

Sub-Module Features:

  • Tag registration: Recording tag details (ID, type, status) upon acquisition.
  • Tag assignment: Assigning tags to specific assets or inventory items.
  • Tag lifecycle tracking: Monitoring tag status (active, inactive, lost).
  • Deactivation: Deactivating tags when no longer needed.

Data Acquisition

Sub-module focused on capturing data from RFID tags through strategically placed readers at various checkpoints.

Sub-Module Features:

  • Reader Management: Configure and manage RFID readers.
  • Data Collection: Capture real-time data from RFID tags.
  • Filtering and Validation: Filter and validate collected data for accuracy.
  • Data Security: Securely transmit and store data.

Data Processing & Analytics

Sub-module tasked with processing the captured data, extracting insights, and generating reports on asset movement and location.

Sub-Module Features:

Route Optimization:

  • Data Cleansing & Filtering: Eliminating errors and inconsistencies in captured RFID data.
  • Data Aggregation & Transformation: Combining and formatting data for analysis.
  • Real-time & Historical Data Analysis: Insights into current and past asset movements.
  • Location Tracking & Visualization: Tracking asset movement on maps and dashboards.
  • Exception Reporting & Alerts: Identifying and notifying about unusual events.

Alerting & Notification

Sub-module designed to trigger alerts and notifications based on predefined rules, such as unauthorized access or unexpected delays.

Sub-Module Features:

Automated Data Collection & Storage:

  • Rule-based triggers: Define specific conditions (e.g., unauthorized access, location breaches, delays) to trigger alerts.
  • Multi-channel notification: Receive alerts via various channels like email, SMS, or in-app notifications.
  • Real-time visibility: Gain immediate insights into events requiring attention, facilitating timely response.
  • Customization: Configure notification settings based on user roles and preferences.

Integration & Automation

The integration sub-module responsible for seamless integration with existing ERP systems and automating workflows based on RFID data.

Sub-Module Features:

  • ERP Integration: Connects to your existing Lucrum ERP or other ERP systems and synchronizes data bi-directionally for real-time visibility.
  • Workflow Automation: Triggers automated actions based on RFID data (e.g., order fulfillment upon shipment detection). Additionally, it eliminates manual data entry and reduces human error.