Energy Consumption Monitoring System

Lucrum ERP offers an Internet of Things (IoT) solution called the Energy Consumption Monitoring System (EMS). This system empowers businesses to gain real-time insights into their energy usage. By strategically placing sensors on equipment and within electrical panels, EMS gathers detailed data on energy consumption across various aspects of operations. Lucrum ERP's EMS seamlessly integrates with your existing data infrastructure, enabling you to identify areas for potential energy savings, optimize resource allocation, and make data-driven decisions to promote environmental sustainability and cost reduction.

Predictive Maintenance

This sub-module leverages energy consumption data to predict equipment failures and optimize maintenance schedules.

Key Features

  • Anomaly Detection: Analyzes historical and real-time energy consumption data from equipment. Moreover, it identifies deviations from normal patterns that might indicate potential malfunctions.
  • Proactive Maintenance Alerts: Triggers alerts for maintenance personnel based on detected anomalies and enables scheduling preventative maintenance to avoid unexpected downtime and energy waste.

Benchmarking & Efficiency Optimization

This sub-module leverages data analysis to identify areas for energy savings and optimize resource allocation, promoting environmental and financial sustainability.

Key Features

  • Energy Consumption Benchmarking: This sub-module compares energy usage against industry standards or historical data and identifies areas exceeding benchmarks for further optimization.
  • Efficiency Optimization Recommendations: It analyzes data to suggest equipment setting adjustments, process improvements, and resource allocation strategies and also provides actionable insights for maximizing energy efficiency.

Renewable Energy Integration

This sub-module seamlessly integrates renewable energy sources into your EMS, enabling efficient grid management and cost optimization.

Key Features

  • Renewable Energy Monitoring: Tracks energy generation from solar panels, wind turbines, or other renewable sources. This sub-module provides real-time data on power output and overall system performance.
  • Grid Optimization: Analyzes real-time consumption and generation data to optimize grid usage. Additionally, it prioritizes renewable energy use and minimizes reliance on traditional energy sources.

Demand Response Management

This sub-module leverages smart grid technology to reduce energy costs by responding dynamically to fluctuating energy prices.

Key Features

  • Smart Grid Integration: It connects to smart grid infrastructure for real-time pricing data and enables communication with utility providers for demand response programs.
  • Dynamic Consumption Adjustment: It can automatically adjust energy consumption based on real-time pricing signals and powers down non-critical equipment during peak demand periods.
  • Cost Optimization & Reporting: Also, analyzes energy cost savings achieved through demand response participation and provides reports to track progress and optimize future strategies.

Behavioral Change & Gamification

This sub-module utilizes gamification elements to promote energy-conscious behaviors within your organization, fostering a culture of sustainability.

Key Features

  • Real-time Feedback & Visualization: Provides employees with real-time data on their department's or individual energy consumption and utilizes dashboards and visualizations to promote transparency and engagement.
  • Gamification & Incentives: Integrates gamification elements like leaderboards, challenges, and badges to motivate energy-saving actions and also offers rewards or recognition for achieving sustainability goals.